Release Go/No-Go

Enable Continuous Monitoring for Continuous Release Readiness

Release Go/No-Go Challenges

With DevOps and Agile practices, most organizations are making more frequent releases than ever. However, they still encounter challenges in taking release Go/No-Go decisions:

  • Disjointed Data

    Organizations are unable to unify data from different tools to get a single indicator of whether or not to go ahead with a release.

  • Lack of Contextual Insights

    There’s a lot of manual analysis required as different stakeholders try to make sense of the disjointed data in their context.

  • Project Risk Scoring

    Organizations are unable to find a balance between standardization and flexibility to manage exceptions and rules and score projects across different parameters.

Expedite Release Go-No/Go Decisions

Gathr helps you automate data collection from different tools in your delivery cycle to quickly analyze various performance metrics and ensure secure and compliant releases:

  • Data Collection

    Collect data from tools like Jira, SonarQube, TestRail, etc., with out-of-the-box connectors for quick correlation and simplify risk assessment across projects.

  • Management Summary

    Get a quick overview of all projects with their average risk scores and identify how many projects are approved, at risk, or blocked.

  • Project Summary

    Drill to project details like their code coverage, the number of defects across projects, their distribution by severity, and their breakdown by different stages of the release cycle.

Simplify Defect and Test Suite Analysis

Detect and resolve bugs and vulnerabilities quickly for a better user experience and assess your test scope and quality gates for high-quality releases.

  • Incident Traceability

    Quickly trace defects to their builds and commit ID, identify which builds have a higher portion of blockers and critical issues, who worked on it, and more.

  • Test Suite Analysis

    Analyze test cases and their automation status to identify areas of improvement. You can search and visually analyze test suites across different projects in a few simple clicks.

  • Risk Score Configuration

    Define risk score as a function of defects, code coverage, test coverage, etc., using the Formula Engine, which simplifies computations with excel-like formulas.

Solution Highlights

  • Ready-to-use solution requiring minimal configuration

  • Out-of-the-box connectors to gather and analyze data from multiple tools

  • Ready dashboards and templates to visualize data

  • Python and Machine Learning support for predictive analysis

  • Highly flexible; change formulas and add new tools without coding

Solution Benefits

Release Go/No-Go solution helps teams expedite their release lifecycle with dashboards providing actionable insights suited for different stakeholders as per their context.

Delivery Leader

With unified analysis of data from multiple tools in the release lifecycle, delivery leaders can quickly identify projects at risk and also find the contextual details to make quick adjustments

Business Leader

Business decision-makers get better transparency into the health and progress of delivery processes, which helps them can improve alignment between business and development goals.

Software Engineering

The solution enables continuous monitoring and traceability to improve accountability, which helps the software engineering team meets its quality and reliability goals.

Delivering Great Customer Experiences Consistently
In minutes, we are now able to establish the golden thread – from recurring defects to its source.


Head • Solutions Engineering | Telecom Infrastructure

Explore Other Solutions

Gathr offers a host of ready-to-use apps and solutions to address your workflow, process automation, and analytics needs.

DevOps 360

Get a Holistic View of DevOps Unifying Both Application & Infrastructure Data

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DORA Metrics

Track the Effectiveness of your Development and Delivery Processes Across DORA Metrics

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DevOps Traceability

Troubleshoot Defects and Vulnerabilities Faster with End-to-End Traceability

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